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Начало > List of messages posted by Active Stock Trader

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details details   

from:  Active Stock Trader at: 19.11.2003 00:20
subject: New ALP.SBS auction has started by 525306. (# 301)


details details   

from:  Active Stock Trader at: 19.11.2003 16:57
subject: New ALP.SBS auction has started by 525505. (# 302)

details details   

from:  Active Stock Trader at: 21.11.2003 03:16
subject: New ALP.SBS auction has started by 525300. (# 303)

details details   

from:  Active Stock Trader at: 22.11.2003 07:38
subject: New ALP.BON auction has started by 525300. (# 304)

details details   

from:  Active Stock Trader at: 22.11.2003 20:36
subject: New ALP.BON auction has started by 525328. (# 305)

details details   

from:  Active Stock Trader at: 27.11.2003 03:13
subject: New ALP.BON auction has started by 525300. (# 306)

details details   

from:  Active Stock Trader at: 28.11.2003 03:11
subject: New ALP.BON auction has started by 525412. (# 307)

details details   

from:  Active Stock Trader at: 28.11.2003 09:16
subject: New ALP.BON auction has started by 1000. (# 308)

details details   

from:  Active Stock Trader at: 01.12.2003 03:44
subject: New ALP.BON auction has started by 525300. (# 309)

details details   

from:  Active Stock Trader at: 01.12.2003 12:27
subject: New ENY.STK auction has started by 525393. (# 310)

details details   

from:  Active Stock Trader at: 02.12.2003 06:11
subject: New ALP.BON auction has started by 525393. (# 311)

details details   

from:  Active Stock Trader at: 02.12.2003 06:13
subject: New ALP.BON auction has started by 525393. (# 312)

details details   

from:  Active Stock Trader at: 02.12.2003 06:13
subject: New ALP.BON auction has started by 525393. (# 313)

details details   

from:  Active Stock Trader at: 02.12.2003 11:49
subject: New ALP.BON auction has started by 525328. (# 314)

details details   

from:  Active Stock Trader at: 02.12.2003 13:17
subject: New ALP.BON auction has started by 1000. (# 315)

details details   

from:  Active Stock Trader at: 02.12.2003 13:32
subject: New ALP.BON auction has started by 1000. (# 316)

details details   

from:  Active Stock Trader at: 02.12.2003 13:40
subject: New ALP.BON auction has started by 1000. (# 317)

details details   

from:  Active Stock Trader at: 02.12.2003 14:09
subject: New ALP.BON auction has started by 1000. (# 318)

details details   

from:  Active Stock Trader at: 04.12.2003 04:48
subject: New ALP.BON auction has started by 525300. (# 319)

details details   

from:  Active Stock Trader at: 05.12.2003 16:21
subject: New ALP.BON auction has started by 525328. (# 320)

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